Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (2024)

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Yep, soup gets its own season and we have a slew of silky, velvety soup recipes to keep you warm and cozy during cool fall nights.


Lori Rice

Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (1)

Lori Rice

Lori Rice is a food and beverage writer and photographer. Her work can be found in CiderCraft Magazine, King Arthur Flour’s SIFT Magazine, The Coastal Table, and Plate Magazine, as well as at

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Published September 28, 2021

Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (2)

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Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (3)

It’s that time of year when cooler days start sticking around as we transition from summer to fall. Warm, filling comfort foods become much more enjoyable, both to make and to eat. One of the best foods fit for the new season are creamy soups.

Creamy soups come in all varieties. Some are made with a lot of heavy cream and others with just a splash of milk. Some creamy soups have no dairy at all, relying on the vegetables and sometimes other ingredients such as white beans to create a smooth, velvety soup for serving.

Potatoes, winter squash, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and celery root are a few of the most common vegetables added to puréed soups for creaminess. For most soups that call for a little cream or milk (1/4 cup or less) I find that oat milk makes a good substitute if you need one. If I don’t mind adding dairy, I’ll swap half-and-half or 2% milk for heavy cream or whipping cream to make things just a little lighter in calories and saturated fat, and also in thickness.

If the soup relies heavily on the cream for its texture, such as a bisque that uses 1 cup or more, you may not get the same flavor and consistency using a non-dairy milk. If you aren’t up for experimenting, it may be best to choose another recipe.

For other soups, just because a recipe may call for a little cream to finish it, doesn’t mean you have to use it. I’ve made many creamy tomato and potato soups where I ultimately decided not to add the cream in the end because I was happy with the soups flavor and texture as is.

Whether you are happy to add lots of cream or you’d rather skip it, here are plenty of creamy soup recipes that offer a little something for everyone.

  • Cream of Mushroom Soup

    Start making your own cream of mushroom soup at home with this recipe. It’s smoother with a depth of mushroom flavor that isn’t found in canned versions. A reasonable amount of heavy cream makes it thick and rich without overloading it and making it too heavy.

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  • Cream of Celery Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (5)

    Fresh leeks and celery fill this simple soup with flavor while a little cream smooths the texture and balances the earthy taste of the puréed vegetables. A cup of this soup makes a warming light lunch on a cool day.

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  • Creamy Sweet Potato Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (6)

    Sweet potatoes provide the sweetness, creaminess, and festive color of this soup. From there you have options. While you can add some milk or cream, you can also leave it out altogether by adding more stock or you can give it a twist with some coconut milk.

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  • Crab Bisque

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (7)

    This soup allows you to take full advantage of Dungeness crab season which usually runs through the late fall and winter months. The stock for this soup is prepared with the shells adding an unmistakable flavor of the sea when combined with the crab, white wine, and heavy cream to complete the soup.

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    Continue to 5 of 16 below.

  • Cauliflower Cheddar Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (8)

    If you find cauliflower soups a little boring, this recipe will change your mind. Cauliflower is blended with potatoes and cheese to create a recipe that is off the charts in creaminess. This combined with the flavor of sharp cheddar makes it the kind of meal that will fulfill all your cravings for comfort food.

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  • Baked Potato Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (9)

    There is nothing quite like a bowl of potato soup on a cool day and this recipe is loaded with the good stuff. The fun is in the toppings so feel free to load it up with shredded cheese, sour cream, chives, and more bacon.

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  • Cream of Spinach Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (10)

    This is the kind of soup that is ideal for a cool day, but also an option when those occasional warm days of summer stick around a little too long. Fresh spinach is blended with half-and-half and sour cream for a creamy soup that can be served hot or chilled.

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  • Creamy Pumpkin Soup with Smoked Paprika

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (11)

    Pumpkin soup is a must for fall and this recipe delivers a balance of sweet, savory, and smoky flavors in one bowl. You can roast pumpkin to make your own purée for this soup or grab canned pumpkin puree from the market.

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    Continue to 9 of 16 below.

  • Creamy Tomato and White Bean Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (12)

    There are plenty of alternatives to using heavy cream and half-and-half in creamy soups and this recipe serves as an excellent example. This tomato soup is flavored with vibrant rosemary and made creamy with puréed cannellini beans.

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  • Colcannon Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (13)

    Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish made with mashed potatoes and kale or cabbage. This recipe turns that side dish into a creamy potato soup. It’s packed with vegetables and provides an alternative to loaded potato soups when you need some new ideas during soup season.

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  • Roasted Red Pepper Potato Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (14)

    Chances are that you can find fresh red bell peppers into the fall season at your farmers market or the supermarket. This soup combines roasted peppers and potatoes for a hearty soup ideal for that transition from summer to fall.

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  • Potato Cheddar Guinness Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (15)

    If you enjoy the roasted notes of a Guinness, you will love how the addition transforms a standard potato soup. Beer is blended with tender potatoes and sharp cheddar resulting in a comforting soup that will warm you up on even the coldest days ahead.

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    Continue to 13 of 16 below.

  • Cream of Celeriac Soup with Brussels Sprouts Chips

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (16)

    Celeriac is an earthy root vegetable that blends into a creamy vegetarian soup that is also dairy-free. Cauliflower, onion, and garlic complement the taste of the celeriac and the Brussels sprouts leaves, baked until crispy, make a fun garnish.

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  • Chipotle Pumpkin Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (17)

    Pumpkin is such a versatile ingredient when it comes to savory foods. In soup, one of the best ways to balance its sweetness is with a little heat. The chipotle peppers in adobo give an unexpected burst of flavor in this fall favorite.

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  • Parsnip Soup with Leeks and Parsley

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (18)

    Parsnip is another root vegetable that blends into a creamy soup, eliminating the need for added dairy. This soup has a beautiful green color and lemon zest adds citrus notes to the earthy, sweet parsnips.

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  • Celery Root Fennel Soup

    Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (19)

    Celery root is another name for celeriac. Here, the root is combined with the bright, anise-like taste of fresh fennel. The addition of a potato and some cream create a velvety soup for a filling meal.

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Creamy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up with This Fall (2024)


How can I make my soup more creamy? ›

Add Something Creamy

Possibilities include cream, coconut milk, yogurt, or even pureed avocado. If you choose coconut milk, be aware that it will impart a sweet, coconut flavor, which might not be right for every soup. Yogurt will add tanginess.

How can I make soup more satisfying? ›

Bulk it up with brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice or pasta. If you love a classic chicken soup with noodles, rice or dumplings, try using brown rice, quinoa, farro, or any other ancient grain instead. It is a super simple way to up the protein count without changing the flavor much.

What ingredient is best added to adjust the consistency of soup like thick or cream soup? ›

You can thicken soup with flour or cornstarch, which do not add any additional flavor. If you want more flavor, a roux is the best way to thicken up a soup. Starchy add-ins are another great way to create thick and creamy vegan soups.

Should you add milk or cream to soup? ›

Yes, you can definitely add cream to your soup. Whether you use a few tablespoons or a few cups, cream gives soup a silky mouthfeel and rich flavor. You can definitely add milk or other dairy as well, though it will taste gradually less creamy as you go down in percent.

What can I add to boring soup? ›

The palate gets bored with one flavour, and needs contrast and surprise. A dash of lime or lemon juice adds instant brightness. A swirl of black rice vinegar into a thick bean soup, hot and sour soup or lentil soup brings it all together beautifully.

How to jazz up bland soup? ›

Add acidic ingredients.

Foods that have a great deal of acidity, like lemon juice, vinegar, white wine, and tomato puree, can help liven up the flavor of bland-tasting bone and other broths.

What can I add to my soup to make it tastier? ›

Use fresh vegetables, high-quality meats or broth, and fresh herbs to add depth of flavor. Add acidity: A squeeze of lemon or lime juice, a dash of vinegar, or a splash of wine can brighten the flavors of a soup and make it taste more complex.

How to make soup secrets? ›

Soup Secrets make it easy for you to make hearty, homemade soup for your family. Add one bag of instant soup mix to four cups of water and bring to a boil, cooking until noodles are tender. Add your favorite meats and/or vegetables for a delicious meal made in a faction of the time.

What is the most important ingredient in soup? ›

For clear, brothy soups, stock is your most important ingredient. If you want to make a good soup, you need to use an excellently flavored stock — otherwise, the entire pot could be tasteless.

Why do you put vinegar in soup? ›

It may sound a bit strange and unusual for some, but vinegar is a common ingredient in some soup recipes, and there is a good reason for it. If you think about it, vinegar is really a flavor-enhancer (umami). That's why it is so often used in cooking, sauces, and salad dressings. The same is true with soups.

What soup eats like a meal? ›

Campbell's® Chunky® Steak & Potato Soup—Soup That Eats Like a Meal®. When you need food that works as hard as you do, grab Campbell's® Chunky® soups. Our big flavor, big pieces and bold ingredients will help you fight back when NFL-sized hunger hits.

What ingredient can be added to a soup to make it thicker and richer? ›

Soup Thickening Method: Cornstarch Slurry

About this method: One of the most common ways to thicken sauces and soups is with a starch-based slurry, and cornstarch is a popular choice. Cornstarch is flavorless, easy to mix up, and versatile, which makes it a go-to pantry ingredient.

How do you add cream to soup without curdling? ›

Here's some tips to prevent curdling:
  1. Prepare a warm milk/flour mixture to add to hot soup.
  2. Stir some hot soup liquid into cold dairy product to temper it, then add to the soup.
  3. Do not boil the soup after adding any dairy product, especially cheese.
  4. Add acid to the milk instead of milk into the acid.
Dec 15, 2016

How do you make soup creamier and thicker? ›

6 ways to thicken soup:
  1. Blend all or part of it. If you've made a broth with chunks of vegetable in it, such as minestrone soup, then pour the soup through a sieve. ...
  2. Add cream or yogurt. ...
  3. Add flour or cornflour. ...
  4. Use a butter and flour paste. ...
  5. Blend in bread. ...
  6. Add lentils or rice.

Does adding milk to soup make it creamy? ›

To add creaminess: Milk can add a creamy texture to soups, making them feel more luxurious and comforting. To balance flavors: Milk can help to tone down the acidity in soups, making them more palatable. To enrich the broth: Adding milk to soups can increase their nutrient content, particularly if you use whole milk.

What do restaurants use to thicken soup? ›

Corn Starch

This completely versatile starch is used in savory and sweet dishes alike: gelatinizing fruit pie fillings or thickening your hefty, stick-to-your-bones soups.

Which food would be best to thicken a cream soup? ›

Foods like rice, bread, potatoes and beans are naturally high in starches, which, when broken down, act as a thickening agent. With rice, the grains will break down into the soup as it's simmered and stirred, releasing the starches and thickening the soup.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.