Household Budget Calculator 2024/25 (2024)


We have updated the interface for the Household Budget Calculator after requests for an easier way to enter the details using a tablet and/or mobile device. You are welcome to use the original version here, alternatively you can use our New Household Budget Calculator. Thank you to all members of our community who provided feedback to refine this tool

How to calculate your monthly household budget

  1. Click on the plus icon.
  2. Enter your household income and expenses.
  3. Review your household budget plan.

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The Household Budget Calculator allows you to track your monthly household income and expenditure and keep an eye on your household cash flow effectively.

Saving money and household budgeting begins with understanding how much money you have coming in (your household income) and how much money you have going out (your household expenditure).

Use the budget calculator to see where your money goes. Simply complete each separate household element, starting with your income. Click on the plus icon to enter your income and bills. The calculator will produce a total overview and includes a pie chart to show how your income is split across your various outgoing. Once complete you can email the household budget calculation to yourself and/or your spouse for easy reference.

You can jump to each separate budget element by clicking on the title in the main results. Please contact us if you would like us to add to or edit any information on our Household Budget Calculator.

Once you have worked out your monthly household budget, use the Savings Calculator to see how much you could save for a rainy day or special event.

Increase your Monthly Income

Having a positive household cash flow is essential for a healthy and stress free life. People worry about money and paying the bills more than anything else. That worry can easily turn into stress if you don't manage your monthly household cash flow effectively.

It is easy to bury your head in the sand and ignore your finances and pretend the bills don't exist but this only leads to further stress and sleepless nights. Start budgeting now, use the household budget calculator, email yourself the illustration then check back in a month or two to compare how your income and bill / credit management has changed.

Increasing your monthly income and spare cash starts now, follow these simple steps but remember, you will only improve your cash flow and reduce your money stress if you are positive and stick to the plan.

  1. Get all your bills and credit card statements together and complete the Household Budget Calculator above.
  2. Email the results to yourself and keep them safe, maybe print a copy off for reference.
  3. Review our top 10 tax saving tips.
  4. Look at our savings calculator, there are some great Savings tips.
  5. Look at salary sacrifice and other money saving tips. Which saving tips can work for you? Create a Savings Plan: Make a list of the money saving tips that will work for you and put dates and practical examples of how you can use them.
  6. Review your Savings Plan: Weekly, Daily, whatever works for you. The key point is that you review it, this will help you adopt a positive attitude to saving and managing your money. Look at your saving list and be honest, what have you done and where can you improve.
  7. Pop back to iCalculator in a month or two and complete the Household Budget Calculator again. How does it compare to your first budget calculation? Good or Bad? We hope it's good, if you stuck to your savings plan it will be.
  8. Share your savings and budgeting experience with us and our community on Facebook. Your success will help inspire others, if you are struggling others can help and provide advice.

Budget for the future

During economic pressures it is not unusual for individuals and families to cut back on the amount of insurance cover they have. That's not surprising as most start thinking and living in the 'now' and have little time for financial planning for the future.

As the economy improves and you get a firmer grip on your household budget it is essential that you review what household insurances you have and ensure you have sufficient cover should the worst case scenario happen. If you have spare cash after completing the Household Budget Calculation, start saving and consider/review your insurance cover.

As food for thought, ensuring you have sufficient life insurance cover:

  • Stops you losing your house: It is estimated that 50% of the UK's 14.5 million mortgage holders don't have sufficient life insurance cover. Imagine the impact on your spouse if they lost you and your home.
  • Protects your children: The cost of raising a child is estimated at £222,458 (from birth, through university and ongoing support). Losing a parent is bad enough but losing your opportunity and chance in life as well can be devastating
  • Saves your family trying to cover the funeral bill: The average funeral cost in the UK is estimated at £7,662. That's a lot of cash to pull together, especially if the main income earner passes away.
  • Saves your partner drowning in debt: You know your household budget, how much are those credit cards and loans worth? How would your family pay them without you?

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Household Budget Calculator 2024/25 (2024)
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Article information

Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5509

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.