Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (2024)

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    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake recipe with a brownie base, cheesecake layer, strawberry puree, and topped with huge chocolate curls and fresh strawberries.

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (1)

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake

    A brownie based cheesecake with a brownie cheesecake layer, strawberry puree, and topped with huge chocolate curls and fresh strawberries. Whew, that’s a mouthful – in more ways than one. This dessert is sure to please any chocolate covered strawberry lover. It’s a pretty straightforward cheesecake to make, and it always turns out amazing. I had a serious love affair with this strawberry brownie cheesecake, and I think I’m hooked on the idea of a brownie base. Don’t get me wrong, graham cracker crust is wonderful, too, but this thick fudgy layer just added so much more to it.

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (2)

    I was really stuck on what to make with my seven pounds of strawberries. I mean, the sky’s the limit with that much strawberries, but I was looking for something exciting and different.

    While I was looking up Strawberry Cheesecakes, I noticed a commonality – they all seemedto me as no-bake versions or just had a slight swirl added to the top. I wanted strawberries all the way though it. I’m guessing that the added moisture to the cheesecake makes it difficult to cook… I don’t know. If you know of a good traditional Strawberry Cheesecake recipe, please let me know.

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (3)

    Since I couldn’t find what I wanted, I had to turn to other ideas. Brownies are always good! So, So I decided to bake the brownies in the pan first, then add the cheesecake to the it.

    I was a bit nervous about adding the strawberry puree. I didn’t know what that was gonna do, but it worked out great and gave the cheesecake a little extra flavor without overpowering it.

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (4)

    It was a totally indulgent mid-day snack!I actually had to bribe three little girls with it to leave me alone while I took my photographs. They wanted to go to the pool and I wanted to get the photos done! It was quite an ordeal. They just didn’t get it.

    I know you totally get it! A mother’s work is never done.

    Also, before you ask about the curls, here’s a previous post I made with them with a video on how to make them. They may look a bit intimidating and you might find it frustrating the first time you make them, but temperature is key and patience is required.

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (5)

    This post is part of three part series. Find the instructions on how to prepare your strawberries and this delightful Old Fashioned Strawberry Soda.

    Yield: 16

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake

    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (6)

    This homemade cheesecake with a brownie base and strawberry layer, topped with chocolate curls is sure to make a big impression on your guests.

    Prep Time30 minutes

    Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes

    Total Time2 hours


    For the Brownie Layer

    • 2 cups chocolate chips
    • 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
    • 3/4 cup brown sugar
    • 3/4 cup sugar
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 cup flour
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt

    For the Cheesecake Layer

    • 4 8oz packages cream cheese, room temperature
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 4 eggs
    • 3 teaspoons vanilla extract
    • 10 strawberries, pureed
    • Chocolate curls and strawberries for garnish


    For the brownies

    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Prepare a 9" Springform pan with foil tightly wrapped around the outside. Then spread with Flour.
    2. Melt chocolate chips and butter in a medium pot over low heat. Stir until all melted and smooth. Remove from heat.
    3. Add in both sugars and stir until combined. Mixture will be grainy. Stir for 5 minutes allowing it to cool slightly.
    4. Stir in eggs one at a time.
    5. Mix in flour, vanilla, and salt. Reserve ¾ cups and bake remainder for 30 minutes.
    6. Allow to cool in the bowl while preparing the cheesecake layer.

    For the cheesecake

    1. Beat the cream cheese until smooth with a paddle attachment. Add the sugar, eggs, and vanilla on slow speed until well combined.
    2. Add ⅓ cup of the cream cheese mix to the reserved brownie batter and stir.
    3. Pour half the brownie batter into the prepared Springform pan and smooth.
    4. Then pour half the cheesecake mixture onto the brownie layer and smooth.
    5. Add 1/2 of the remaining brownie mixture over it, finally add the pureed strawberries. Do not mix. It will thin out.
    6. Add the remaining cream cheese mixture on top and then spoon the brownie mix over and swirl with a knife.
    7. Make sure the foil is still secure around the pan. Place the pan into a baking dish and add an inch of water. Place into the oven and bake for 90 minutes. The surface should no longer be shiny and will have a slight giggle.
    8. Let the cheesecake cool for one hour and place in the fridge overnight to firm up.
    9. Make your chocolate curls and add when your are ready to serve.

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    Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Recipe (2024)
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